Installer Via Hd Audio Deck
I have searched posts and not yet found an answer that will work for this issue. Problem is that the new Windows 10 driver, VIA HD Audio(Win 10), version dated 8/11/2015, does not have any volume sliders for 'Microphone' and 'Line In' (in Speakerright click Playback Devices Playback Speakers Properties Levels). There is only one volume control present - 'Speakers'. (See image down below).
This is a big problem for people who do recording because direct (zero latency) monitoring isnot possible without these direct volume controls. Direct feed used to be there in old drivers, but old drivers crash Windows 10 (learned that the hard way). Windows 7 worked OK but this is broken in Windows 10.I've tried every setting I can find but best I can tell, this is an issue with the driver. I hope Microsoft will give this urgent attention as this issue prevents record monitoring.
I already know about turning on 'Listen to this device' in RecordingDevices, but that has a processing latency delay that is far too distracting to a singer or instrumentalist listening through headphones. This problem has killed my ability to record.
If a fix is not available, I think it will force purchase of a new soundcard with a better driver. Thanks, Ruth, for trying to help, but I have already tried those suggestions already and they didn't work for me. The High Definition Driver pops up a panel that says it's not compatible (I'm guessing it is because my processor is AMD). Having alreadycrashed Windows 10 with alternate drivers twice (took all day to recover), I elected not to try to load it since it was giving the compatibility warning.
I had also loaded the latest VIA HD Audio driver from Microsoft (twice). That's version 8/11/2015. As I mentioned before, that driver works except for the lack of a zero latency mode and the problem with no automatic switch to headphones. Developers really need to look into this and are welcome to contact me if I can help test or providemore info on my specific configuration. I'll wait a while to see if MS updates the driver again, and if not will invest in a new sound card.By the way, WIndows 10 recovery via Restore Point doesn't work very cleanly - it reported that it was unsuccessful when I went back to old restore point (tried two different ones), but then it booted OK anyway (whew!). Haven't figured out how to re-loadthe OS from windows.iso file on DVD yet - it does not accept my Win 10 product ID. But the DVD did provide the ability to use the Restore Point recovery method.
But those are different issues for other threads. As is normal with major re-writes, Win10 has numerous bugs still to work out.Good luck to others, but heed the warning above about loading old drivers from various vendor sites. Be prepared with a recovery process (e.g.
Restore Point) if you experiment too much. I am now going to stop putting my computer at furtherrisk by experimenting with drivers. Thank you for this info. I am having exactly the same problem. I have tried everything I can think of. I am out of ideas, especially now that you have warned me about old drivers. I should also mention that this problem began for me after I started receivingupdates in prep for windows 10 and so I tried lots of stuff to fix it.including a new sound card that worked briefly for me.
Every time I got both the headphones and the microphone working. Another update and. They would stop. So now I havetwo sound cards and a front panel HD slot but I cannot get the microphone to work with any of them. After installing Windows 10, I did notice that there is a missing driver for a unidentified device. Here is the info on it: NDIS 6.2, RTKVLANMP, ROOTNET0001I am not an expert about this stuff but I think this is a mini port LAN driver and I have not found one that is windows 10 compatible. If anyone with more knowledge that I have can shed light on this, I would be VERY grateful.
Redbird;Thanks for the post. I'm curious regarding which sound card you bought.
Also, after installing it, did you happen to check using SpeakerrightclickPlayback DevicesPlaybackSpeakersPropertiesLevels to see if the microphone volume control shows up?(If that settings panel even works the same with your new sound card driver - may look different now). I'll probably also buy a sound card and will post results and settings if I do.I'm not sure, but it sounds like you may possibly be caught in a loop that I've read about in other posts, i.e., sound card supplier loads a driver, then Windows thinks that's not the right one and loads its own, then sound card supplier detects and overwritesthat, round-and-round, etc. (But this is speculation, may be wrong)I'm still hoping Microsoft gets the message from the deluge of similar sound issues all over the net and work with the codec supplier on a fix to the VIA HD Audio(Win 10) driver.Microsoft, in case you're listening, my config is ASUS Crosshair IV Formula motherboard with AMD Phenom II quad core 965 processor at 3.4 GHz and built-in SupremeFx X-Fi audio with VIA HD Audio(Win 10) driver.
Again, sound H/W & (old) driver has been workinggreat for years with Windows 7, but not with Win 10. Please read the above post carefully for description of the problem. Yes I did try that and yes there is a microphone icon thatshows up. I have the volume at 65% and it is not muted.I also tried showing disconnected and disabled devices by rightclicking in a blank area of the sound window on the playback tab. The newsound card is Creative Technology Sound Blaster Audigy. The system is AMDquad core with Asus Motherboard M4A77TD PRO.
Here are all of the devicesthat I have for sound:Auxiliary (SB Audigy)Digital Audio Interface (SB Audigy)Headphone (VIA HD Audio(Win 10))Line-In (SB Audigy)Microphone (SB Audigy)S/PDIF-In (SB Audigy)SPDIF Interface (TX0) (VIA HD Audio(Win 10))SPDIF Interface (TX1) (VIA HD Audio(Win 10))Speakers (SB Audigy)Speakers (VIA HD Audio(Win 10))Stereo Mix (VIA HD Audio(Win 10))The drivers all all up to date and appear to be working and windows reportsthat there are no better drivers.Of note. The 'other devices' in the device managershows an unknown device with Hardware ID RTKVLANMP and a status asfollows:01802401DNROOTENUMERATEDDNHASPROBLEMDNDISABLEABLEDNNTENUMERATORDNNTDRIVEREvents tab shows: Device migrated at the time Windows 10 was installed andthe 4 instances of Device configured (null) on the same day with around 3hours between each instance.Is there anyone around here who can help? Thanks for the information.I was a little hesitant to try another driver since my crash incident but decided to go ahead and try the latest VIAtech driver.It successfully added the microphone and line-in controls (as in figure above). It added them to the Speakers panel but not to the Headphones panel.Therefore I now get zero latency monitoring through the computer's speaker output (but not through the headphone output).To use headphones, I did a workaround by putting a splitter on the computer's speaker output jack and running it to my speaker amp and also to an external headphone amp. So now I can turn off the speaker amp and listen through the headphone amp with zerolatency.I downloaded and selected the Windows 10 driver, which was labeled Version V11.10b and dated 19-Aug-2015.Strangely, after installing the new driver, Device Manager reports the same name, date, and version number as the previous (unsuccessful) driver from Microsoft that I tried earlier - VIA HD Audio(Win 10), version dated 8/11/2015. Since thedriver from the VIAtech site is dated a week later, I can only assume that there must have been an update without a version number change (at least not one that was reflected in Device Manager's parameters).
Google Tradutor:SOLVEDCome on.Asus Crosshair IV Formula, Home Creative P7800, Windows 10 1511 10586.29, updated.1.
Stop the Audio Deck from starting with Windows. First look in the program itself for options. Try right-clicking on the icon or look for the program in your Start Menu. If you can't figure it out or there are no options in the program, remove it from yourStartup matrix:Start OrbSearch boxtype: msconfig and when it appears in the Results box above, right-click and choose 'Run as Administrator'.If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.
Installer Via Hd Audio Deck Windows 7
Installer Via Hd Audio Deck
Then see what is on the Startup tab. You don't need to restart immediately, but the next time you do you'll get a dialog saying you've used the Utility.Usually in Vista this will be blocked by Windows Defender and you'll need to allow it so you can then tick the box that says in effect, 'don't bother me about this again'.Important - Do not use the System Configuration Utility to stop processes.The free Autoruns program is very useful for managing your Startup -As for the dialup connection notification:Right-click the Start Orb then left-click Properties. In the resulting options box, click the Notification Area tab and put a check mark in the box for the Network system icon. Apply/OK out. If the check mark is already there, uncheck/recheck it. Otherthan that, I don't know.MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!