Mobidtv Pro Software
BobRob wrote:Got this tuned into 133-135MHz airband and its stuffed full from all over the devil Robster!you will make me get mine out again just what is the confirmed frquency range u can get on yours?Sadly there's not a lot around here but it definitely is from 60Mhz. Software says up to 2Ghz but I don't trust that.BTW, no problem at all picking up the ISS data traffic as it passed over a few minutes ago.Try using WRPLus with it. You can start off with broadcast FM by right clicking on the FM mode button and selecting the wide stereo. HDSDR doesn't do broadcast width wide FM.What antenna are you using, with what connection to the dongle? Arby80 wrote:What antenna are you using, with what connection to the dongle?Triband Diamond job on the roof (forget which). Made up a patch lead with a female SO239 on one end and a male TV connector on the other.Visiting Lincoln tomorrow so phoned up Knights CB and I'm going to buy a Discone as they're only about £30.I've got a discone going up along with my cb in a week or two, I will hav to get one of those tv-pl259 connector I guess.You can't buy them. I made my own.

If you're putting up a dedicated antenna then all you need to do is shove a TV connector on the end of the co-ax. They're only about 50p from local independant TV shop or £50 from Maplin. I now have two of these dongles. One is a 'MobiDTV Pro', which according to the packaging is supposed to have RTL2832U and FCI2580 tuner, but when it came it had the FC0012 tuner. The other is supposedly a Newsky TV28T, from Cosycave, but nowhere on the thing does it say that.They both work! So far I've only tested the Newsky on my local 144MHz repeater, and I'm still in the process of measuring the MobiDTV Pro to find out it's capabilities.It definitely receives 29-37MHz, 45-55MHz, 60-74MHz, and starts again at 89MHz. It does NOT receive valid signals in the gaps, only spurious responses.
These gaps aren't just a lack of sensitivity, the tuner just doesn't work there at all. Maybe the DDS can't actually generate the required LO??It receives at 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 144-146, 430, 440, but so far I haven't yet tested for gaps above 90MHz, other than the big one stretching 445-472MHz.Sensitivity isn't bad, but is nothing to write home about.
It overloads quite easily, causing all sorts of sproggies to appear.But for me, the problem with both of them is that the audio is very jerky, as though it's dropping data packets. On the ExtIO window it was logging several buffer underruns per second.
All Pro Software
I'm sure I've read about this before, but can't remember where.Has anyone else had this issue? The PC is a Vaio laptop, believed to be 2600MHz processor, and it runs at around 85% CPU. NightMare wrote:But for me, the problem with both of them is that the audio is very jerky, as though it's dropping data packets.
Tax Pro Software

On the ExtIO window it was logging several buffer underruns per second. I'm sure I've read about this before, but can't remember where.Has anyone else had this issue? The PC is a Vaio laptop, believed to be 2600MHz processor, and it runs at around 85% CPU.I've got one of those NewSky dongles and found increasing the read buffer length cured the underrun errors and choppy audio, but makes it less responsive when changing frequency. In the device hint I use 'RTL readlen=262144 tuner=e4k' the number has to be a multiple of 512. Troffasky wrote:From what I've read elsewhere the consensus on the FC0012 is 'avoid'. E4000 is the best, FC0013 is OK.Well despite the gaps the FC0012 certainly covers a useful range, and the sensitivity is pretty good, so I wouldn't avoid it altogether.I have a couple of e4000-based dongles to be tested when I get a moment, and I daresay I'll find gaps in the coverage with those too.The biggest disappointment with these things is the awful local oscillator stability, especially at UHF and beyond.
Nerdsville wrote:I've got one of those NewSky dongles and found increasing the read buffer length cured the underrun errors and choppy audio, but makes it less responsive when changing frequency. In the device hint I use 'RTL readlen=262144 tuner=e4k' the number has to be a multiple of 512.Thanks, it has cured the underruns and the audio is much better, but there is still some breakup. I suspect that my soundcard may be running fast, eating the audio samples slightly faster than they are being produced - if that's possible in this program (I know it's possible in other applications such as Echolink)?