Voice Stress Analysis Software

TVSA3: Voice Stress Analysis Freeware. TVSA3: Voice Stress Analysis Freeware.NEW! Working on a freeware Windows version of this for all you truth seekers out there.Check back soon.This page is originally from the website of Paul B.

Dennis,who maintains one of the best sites on the web. You may contact him, or go to his site,the.TVSA3: Voice Stress Analysis Freeware.This text is complete with links to referenced documents and web siteson the internet. Because it is intended for dissemination off of theinternet as well as on, the convention of surrounding links with squarebrackets to denote them is used, with web addresses listed at the end.For convienience, both text and internet style 'htm' copies of thisdocument are included in TVSA3.zip. Load the htm into your browserfor best viewing.1.


Voice Stress Analysis Software Mac

About Voice Stress Analysis2. Voice Stress AnalysisVoice Stress Analysis is a type of lie detector which measures stressin a person's voice. That makes it recordable, and means it can be usedon tape recordings older than VSA technology itself is.The use of Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) as a lie detector became popularin thelate 1970s and 80s. Today, American employees are protectedfrom VSA in the, and police recruits must submit to VSAverification of statements made on the employment application accordingto theand web sites.On the web site of the this quote is found:Several Division investigators are also trained in the operation ofComputerized Voice Stress Analysis equipment. This equipment has provento be invaluable during follow-up investigations.These official web sites, and many more not listed here, argue thatimportant peoplein law enforcement believe VSA works well.

Research and Recent Studies on the Science of Voice Stress AnalysisWhile the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA®) is often considered an emerging technology, this cutting-edge truth verification system has been established as an important investigative tool by law enforcement for a long time now. From the discovery of how voices change in relation to stress in the 1970’s to today’s studies on the computerized technologies that enhance the system’s capabilities, many in the scientific community have been intrigued by the capabilities of the CVSA and the hidden messages in the human voice.

Voice Stress Analysis SoftwareVoice Stress Analysis Software

With this in mind, we will endeavor to make the studies that underpin the scientific validity of the CVSA available and easy-to-understand so all CVSA practitioners will have a better understanding of the complex road the CVSA has travelled, from its humble beginnings to its domination of the truth verification market today.

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