Game Dragonball Z The Legacy Of Goku 2 Walkthrough
To defeat enemies easily, use Gohan, Goku, Trunks, or Vegeta. First, turn Super Saiyan. Then, use Kamehameha, Burning attack, or Big Bang attack.
This will not work on androids, except for Cell. Continuing from the energy attack, hit them with a series of punches and kicks. End it with Flurry punch, Super kick, Sword Blast, or Two Handed Smash. For Vegeta you should try using Energy Punch and Big Bang.
Alternately, do the Energy attack then launch two regular blasts and two punches. Then, turn Super Saiyan and repeat.When at the Capsule Corporation training arena (behind the Capsule Corporation building), hide behind a pole. Opponents will walk up to the pole and keep walking into it.
You can punch through the pole to hit and kill them, but they cannot hit back. Note: This does not always work, and goes faster the higher level you are. After you beat the king triceratops, if you fly to the southern part of west city, you'll meet cooler (frieza's brother) he'll say that he would wait for goku in new namek.But where is new namek well, you need to find all the seven missing nameks (you'll get this mission from the scientist at the capsule corporation). If you found them all, go to the spacecraft at the capsule corporation, go inside, the screen turns black,then go outside,you'll be at new namek. Go north and you'll find cooler inside. First you need to have all the characters (gohan, piccolo, vegeta, trunks and goku).
Game Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of Goku 2 Walkthrough Pc
After you got them all, increase their level to 50 (ALL OF THEM) and then go to the caves with a number 50. Explore the caves, you should see a trophy. It would be at the capsule corp. Complete all the four trophies.

Dbz Legacy Of Goku 2

Next, go to the cell games arena and then defeat cell. After you defeated cell, Goku should be dead. Then you will have Hercule in your character selection.(at level 40)NOTE:If you defeated cell before you get the trophies, You'll have hercule at level 1.