River Flows You Piano Sheet
Each group of letter notes is played from left to right, and vertical letters on the same column are played together. The numbers in front of each line are the octave, each octave has an unique color so you can easily follow them. Lowercase (a b c d e f g) letters are natural notes (white keys, a.k.a A B C D E F G ). Uppercase (A C D F G) letters are the sharp notes (black keys a.k.a. A# C# D# F# G#), look at the image below to see where each letter note is on the piano keyboard.

River Flows In You Piano Sheet Easy Pdf Free

River Flows In You Piano Sheet Original
The lines / dashes (-) between letters indicates timing to play the notes. One night at call center + download. Just listen to the audio file at the top of the post to figure out the time lenght of the dashes (usually 5-6 dashes is about 1 second).