Photoshop For Mac Os X 10.7.4
Stefanmaine wrote:That did it. Thank you.With the icon off the menu bar, will the Adobe apps be included in the update process at 'AppleSoftware update' or in some other way. Or have I seen my last Dreamweaver and Photoshop update?
Photoshop For Mac Os X 10.7.44 Download

(After decades as a Windows user, I am still new to Apple.)What? If you disable that you will only get pop-ups when the programs open. Apple Software Update is for Apple software. It would be like asking Windows Update to update Dreamweaver for you. The only time it will show in the menu bar is if there is an update you should run. Personally I think you would be better off leaving it so you remember to update rather than turning it off. Once you update the icon goes away.
Just open any open App - Help - Updates. That will open the update manager. They you should be able to change the preference. And I've been a Mac user since when OS X meant 10.0 and still shipped with a boot of OS 9.

So I'm pretty familiar with the ins and outs of OSX. Apple Software Update won't even update App Store apps. You have to manually open the App Store every so often to see if there are updates for those programs. I personally think that is damn annoying and should be changed, but so far no change. As a reference in case somebody else ends up here who has CC AND the stupid A telling them about the same updates (sorry, I grew to detest the aggressiveness of that A ), I found the answer on the MacRumors forum.It said to go to Photoshop., then go to the Help menu and choose 'Updates.' That should open up the old application manager. There you can hit the Preferences button and turn off notification in the menu bar!
I was getting so frstrated as the CC version would always open up instead of the old one where the needed option was located, but this luckily solved it!.I went to my CS5 version, so not 100% the CC version will do the same, but I'd guess so. Also, it might work with the other applications too, it's just what I did. Seems to not work in CC since yesterday's updates.? Not working for me anyway; launches new CC app manager. Looking for a new solution.Update.Found in another forum and worked for me (if anyone else is still having issues): rename Creative Cloud in UtilitiesAdobe Creative CloudACCCreative Cloud.
I simply added a letter after it so that it read 'Creative CloudX' - this is temporary. Then open the old Application Manager and it should actually open the old one and not the new CC one; deselect the 'show updates in menu bar' option and you're good. Revert new CC name back to 'Creative Cloud.'
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