Speak Jimmy Needham Rar
Vor yearThe lyrics of the song strikes me so much. Idolatry is one of the greatest sins that the people of Israel committed in the times of Moses. And many of us still doesn't want to admit that anything or anyone we adore is an idol. Example is kpop,kdrama,celebrities. They are called stars for us to see them as one. But this is a front from the Devil himself to distract us and give our attention just partly to God until we lose all of our love for Him. Wanting to look like these people who we claim to be more than who we are, creates a mindset inside us that God created us not good.
Jimmy Needham Unfailing Love Lyrics
But we view other people as good. The more we see others the less we see how God created us perfectly and wonderfully. I hope this will wake up your souls people. Not all who says they worship God and called Jesus 'Lord, Lord' will go to heaven, but all who clear the stage(clear their hearts and make room for God alone) will make it in the heaven. Be faithful till the end. Vor yearGod loves when you seek Him with an humble heart and a broken spirit!! That’s where it all begins.
Jimmy Needham Birthday

“Take a break from all the plans that you have made And sit at home alone and wait for God to whisper Beg him please to open up his mouth and speak And pray for real upon your knees until they blister Shine the light on every corner of your life Until the pride and lust and lies are in the open Then read the word and put to test the things you've heard Until your heart and soul are stirred and rocked and broken”.
Speak Jimmy Needham Rarity
You spoke the word into the vacant universeYou breathed and life becameYou wrote the script into the skyThe story told in black and whiteSpelling out the glory of Your nameChorusThanks to Your love every I was dottedThanks to Your love every T was crossedAll of heaven and all of earth acknowledgeYou're the Author of the story of the glory of GodBefore the earth, before the curse, before the crown of thorns was madeYou penned the end before we even went astraySo why are we surprised? The Son of Man that came to dieKnew this day before the world was madeYou know our prayers before they're even prayedChorusThe words You speak are poetryI'll gladly be the melodyUntil every ear has finally heardIt's all part of Your perfect planFrom the garden to the fall of manFrom the day You rose to the day You'll returnChorus.